Monthly Archives: January 2014

Why Being a Dog Owner is Hard


I interrupt my normally scheduled Fashion Friday to bring you a dose of reality. Inspired by Rigby, my divo pup who kept us up until 4am last night.

Being a dog owner is hard. It is also not for the faint of heart.  Continue reading

Our First Dog Fostering Experience


In November, we took in a senior Shiba Inu as a foster. I wanted to share my experience in fostering because it was something I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m sure I’m not alone in the desire to help other dogs.

If you’re not that interested in dogs and fostering rescues, I’ll give you the TL; DR: We fostered an 11 year old Shiba Inu named Annie. It was stressful the first night, but overall a really great experience. I’m happy I was able to volunteer my time and house for her for a couple of days, but she’s now off to live with her sisfur at a new foster home that is much more suited for her lifestyle.  Continue reading

Hello, 2014: My New Years Resolutions


Well, hello there Day #2 of 2014!

This year instead of setting “resolutions” for myself, I’d prefer to set challenges for myself. Most of all, I just want to do better at the things I already do – learn, read, eat, exercise, and blog.

Challenges of 2014: Continue reading

2013: A Year in Review


Wow, I can’t believe 2014 is here. Before I post about my resolutions for 2014, I wanted to take a quick peek back at 2013 and what happened to us last year.

This is going to be a long one, so TL;DR: Stuff happened this year. We lost a dog to cancer, we got a new puppy named Rigby, we got in car accidents, and got sick, but overall, 2013 was a pretty good year.

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