Tag Archives: beauty

Strawberry is the New Black

We’re taking an extended weekend to celebrate Labor Day a bit early with Dave’s family, so today I have a guest post from Sophia! Sophia is a freelance writer from Brisbane, Australia with huge interest in beauty, fashion, makeup and graphic design. She is also very passionate about organic cosmetic products, natural beauty, and could be described as fashion addict and life lover. She writes in mostly beauty related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. You can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or Pinterest.

Shades of the red; so pretty in the summer. Long, cold and boring winter is far behind, coats and boots are thrown in the back of the closet, and swimsuits and flip-flops are once again our daily uniform. But to truly blend with hot sunny summer and enjoy it the way we are supposed to, we have to ditch dull dark colors that we put ourselves in for the past couple of months. Black, brown and gray are out, and strawberry red is in!

Strawberry is the New Black: Colors for Summer // hellorigby seattle beauty blog
Photos by Timothy Marsee, Mainstream, & Sirens Swimwear  (CC by 2.0)

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DIY Weekend Facial

Sponsored Post: I am being compensated by #CollectiveBias in partnership with #BioreStripDown for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I wish I could say I had really fabulous plans this past weekend, but that would be a big lie. Lately, we’ve been spending our weekends trying to catch up on cleaning and organizing our house as different parts of our renovation have been completed. Even when I’m busy trying to get chores done, I still try to take some time for myself and relax in between tasks. After all, a weekend has to have a little time for some treat-yo-self action!

So how do I pamper myself on a busy weekend? With a DIY facial of course! I had to cancel my most recent facial appointment because of our European trip and can’t get in until later this month… but let’s just say that in the meantime my skin needs some serious help. Airplane air always does a number on my skin, and I’m left with congested skin that’s drier than the Sahara desert.

DIY Weekend Facial with Biore Strip Down at Target / hellorigby seattle beauty blogDIY Weekend Facial with Biore Strip Down at Target / hellorigby seattle beauty blog

It was Bioré® to the rescue, with their new charcoal line including the Bioré® Self Heating One Minute Mask and Bioré® Deep Cleansing Charcoal Pore Strips! Along with some trusty essentials like makeup removing wipes, my face brush (perfect for gentle exfoliation), a nice hydrating moisturizer, and the pore cleansers from  Bioré®, I was set. So how did I complete this DIY Facial you ask? Here’s how:

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Shopping Budget: May

Affiliate Links: If you click a link in this post I may make a very small commission.

Happy almost-end-of-May! I’m super excited for June because that means it’s that much closer to our big European trip which I’ve been eagerly looking forward to! I have some plans to try to vlog while I’m there (but probably won’t post until I’m back… we shall see.) So hopefully some of you will be interested in watching those. If not, I guess I’ll have them for posterity.

So, the end of the month means it’s time to report what I bought… I didn’t do particularly awful this month, but as usual I probably could have bought less. Womp womp.

May Shopping Budget: What I Bought / hellorigby seattle fashion & beauty blog

What I Bought

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My #BeautyStory: Pretty is as Pretty Does

Sponsored Post: I am being compensated by Lunchbox in partnership with Dove Beauty for this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Growing up, my mom always told me, “Pretty is as pretty does.” You can be the most beautiful person on the outside, but if you’re ugly inside, you’re not beautiful.  It was a life lesson passed down to her by her paternal grandmother, who shared not only taking care of what was on the outside but working on the inside too. She always stressed how it was important to work on you as a person first, rather than be caught up in the beauty comparison game.

My mother had another strong woman in her life that impacted her: my maternal great grandmother, who taught her the importance of treasuring the skin you’re in. For her, it was all about Dove Lotion Bars, which made her skin radiant into even her twilight years. I remember growing up using these to gently cleanse both face and body and could always count on Dove to not irritate my sensitive skin.

My Beauty Story: Pretty is as Pretty Does / hellorigby seattle beauty blog

A few months ago, I would have been ashamed to show you what I looked like without makeup. My skin decided to have a meltdown, and I too with it. I was getting a new crop of zits nearly every day. And not just a little zit, these were cystic acne that were deep and painful.

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Beauty Empties: April Edition

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below I may make a very small commission. I paid for all of these products.

I’m not that creative. These Beauty Empties or “Trash Talk” posts are nothing new in the beauty community. However, there’s nothing like a review on a product that someone has used up, right? I figured I’d share some of the things that I’ve made it through over the last couple of months!

And speaking of beauty products… if you’re in the market for some new ones but want to score a deal, I just wrote a guest post over at Dear Friends blog all about it! From swapping to buying used (yes, really) I think I have a few ideas to make sure you’re not overpaying for beauty products, from drugstore to high end. Check it out here!

Beauty Empties: Used Up Products from April 2015 / hellorigby seattle beauty blog

Beauty Empties: April 2015 Edition

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