Tag Archives: budget

January Budgeting Bloggers & Giveaway

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Ah yes, it’s time to confess what I’ve bought this past month. I know, you’re on the edge of your seat, riveted and all. I actually didn’t go too crazy this month, despite extensive time shopping in Miami… and then buying nothing. I actually bought more FOR the trip than on the trip, so that’s good. Anyways, onto the budget reveal.

What I Bought

Budgeting Bloggers January: What I Bought / hellorigby! seattle fashion and lifestyle blog

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November Budget & Spending

I’m sharing my budget a little earlier this month than normal… I guess that’s a good thing considering some of it may get thrown out the window due to the fun shopping fiasco that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The funny thing about the holidays that I’ve noticed since blogging? In real life and in blog life, things at the end of the month get a little hectic.

I’m going to do a bit of a different breakdown this month. Inspired by some other budgeting bloggers, and after my co-worker mentioned being curious why I didn’t share the things I bought that I didn’t keep, I figured I’d add a few new categories.

What I Bought

November Budget, Shopping, Spending, & Haul Post / hellorigby! Continue reading

October Clothing Budget

I swear I say this every month, but I really can’t believe October is just about over. I won’t lie, I’m getting excited for my favorite holidays… Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course. I like Halloween, but I feel like when you don’t have kids and are too old for trick-or-treating and kind of over the party scene, it’s not quite as fun.

Anyways, enough about holidays (though admittedly, it does relate to budgets. I mean, I basically blow all of mine on Black Friday yearly…) because the real reason we are here today is to look at what I bought with my clothing budget last month.

October Clothing Budget / hellorigby!

October Clothing Budget

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Budget Recap September 2014

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I’ve been thinking a lot about shopping and budgeting this past month. Why I do it, how it benefits me, if I should share it on the blog, and so on. I thought I’d take a step back before I share what I bought last month and share why I post about it. As much as I’d like to say it is for you, it’s really not. It’s for me. I don’t need a post, I keep a little running tally each month that reminds me every time I’m thinking about adding something to the proverbial shopping cart. But it is nice to also visualize it at the end of the month, to see it all laid out, and to think again about whether or not I am getting value from my purchases.

What’s been nice about blogging about my budget and shopping habits is that it really has changed the way I perceive individual pieces and their quality. I’m doing a better job of realizing that if I can’t visualize myself wearing something more than once, then it really doesn’t belong in my closet.

When I was in college, I couldn’t afford any “big”  purchases so I shopped at places like Ross and Forver 21 almost exclusively. I bought low-quality pieces that would last me a season. It’s a tough habit to break. But I’m working on it, and that’s what has kept me writing about this topic. I love budget shopping and striking a deal as much as the next girl, and that’s still a huge part of who I am and what I buy. But I also have grown to appreciate things that will last in the longer term and may be worth going “out of budget” for too.

Anyways. On to the good stuff.

September's Shopping Budget / hellorigby! Continue reading

June Budget

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So remember last month when I was a very bad, no good shopaholic? Welp. This shopaholic’s gotta be real this month. It was hard. But I did it!

Let’s get down to business. I set a goal of $150 for June because I went way too crazy at the sight of summer weather and the Nordstrom sale in May. Whoopsies. I am very happy to report that I spent $102.50. Yep, I went WAY under budget, and that doesn’t include the whole $5 I made selling at Plato’s. (Side note, why do I even bother with that place? Seriously, $5 is less than I probably spent in gas to get there. Clearly this is the reason I started the Shop My Closet group.) Continue reading